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A few tricks to keep your jewellery sparkling....

A few tricks to keep your jewellery sparkling....Hi Guys
This month i have a few cu
stomers ask me how we keep all of gorgeous jewellery clean so i thought this week i would let you guys know of a few tricks of the trade on how to keep your silver jewellery sparkly clean.
As you are probably aware when you don't wear you silver jewellery for a time you either keep it in your jewellery box or if your'e like me just place it on my shelf :D it tends to go black and tarnish this is because air and other chemicals it will come into contact with (perfume, deodorant etc) this speeds up the tarnishing time. When you wear silver jewellery it tends to clean itself other than when it comes into contact with anything with chemicals, so keep the perfume away.
It help with this problem i recommend you keep all your jewels in a zip lock bag even if you keep your bits in a jewellery box the fabric within will tarnish silver.
Another sneaky trick for stubborn tarnish jewellery is putting it in a homemade remedy of salt and bicarbonate of soda.
1. Line a container with tin foil, shiny side up.
2. Place tarnished jewellery inside.
3. Put 1 tablespoon of Salt and 1 tablespoon of Bicarbonate of soda.
4. Cover the jewellery with boiled water from the kettle.
5. Leave to soak up to 5 minute and then rinse your jewellery with cold water and pat dry.

In other news, its getting to the last weekend of the month that means that you only have a little time left to exchange your gifts from us from Christmas!!

Created On  26 Jan 2017 16:10 in Jewellery Care  -  Permalink


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