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Some of our favourite stone meanings....

When buying stone jewellery, it's always nice to know a little bit about the stone itself and what it can 'mean' to the wearer. At Nova Silver, we have done a bit of research about some of the different stones we have to offer and their properties. Here are a few of our favourites:

Rose Quartz

Commonly known as the stone of love and infinite peace, Rose Quartz is the most important crystal for the heart. It is calming, reassuring and excellent for use in trauma or crisis. Rose Quartz gently draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes. Rose Quartz teaches you to love yourself, which is vital if you think yourself unlovable. 


In ancient times, Peridot was though to keep away evil spirits and purify the body and the mind. It cleanses the heart and helps to release burdens and guilt. It shows the wearer how to detach themselves from outside influences and releases negative patterns.


It is believed that Labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone. It deflects unwanted energies and helps to banish fears and insecurities from any previous disappointments. Labradorite helps to calm an overactive mind and energise the imagination and help create new ideas.


Carnelian is a well-known grounding stone, helping the wearer to become anchored into the present reality. It is excellent for restoring vitality and motivation. It gives courage, promotes life choices and motivates success.


Turquoise is mainly found to be blue, green and yellow coloured and is often dyed. It is believed to enhance the immune system and help heal the whole body. It is also known to assist in problem solving and helps to calm nerves when speaking in public.

Created On  23 May 2017 15:39  -  Permalink


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