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Ancient Stones

Ancient Stones

How did Ancient civilisations use the stones and crystals we still wear and admire today? 

Lapis Lazuli:

Lapis Lazuli is a truly enigmatic stone, which has long been revered for its religious and societal significance. Myths surrounding this stone date back as far as 4000BCE; Inanna, the Sumerian goddess is said to have made her descent and return from the underworld bearing an insignia crafted from Lapis Lazuli. Moreover, throughout Ancient Egypt, Pharaohs have been found adorned with amulets crafted from this rich, blue stone which they believed would aid the deceased in their transition into the afterlife. In modern times, this stone is still used in high regards for its sense of wisdom and empowerment.



The black Onyx stone possesses a long and complex history; throughout Ancient times, Onyx has been both admired and outright avoided. During the 19th Century, the stone was considered to herald bad luck and nightmares across China. Furthermore, when Queen Victoria I’s husband met his untimely death in 1861, the Queen wore Onyx as a symbol of her grief and loss. In contrast, the Ancient Greek’s utilised the deep black hues of Onyx in carvings of their most beloved Gods and heroes. In fact, legend has it that when Aphrodite’s nails where clipped and dropped into the Indus River the Onyx stone first appeared. In modern times, attitudes towards Onyx have certainly shifted; most consider it to be a powerful protective stone which provides its wearer strength in times of grief.

Created On  5 Nov 2021 18:30 in Birthstones  -  Permalink


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