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New Year, New Beginnings!

New Year, New Beginnings!

As we welcome in this New Year, many of us are in need of some wonderful new beginnings to reinvigorate our lives. One of the countless things we can do to bring this positive new energy into our lives is to wear some beautiful crystal pieces which will symbolise and attract the transformation we’re creating. Here at Nova Silver we have researched some amazing suggestions for crystal companions this New Year.

Moonstone, with its luminescent hues, holds a deeply feminine, intuitive energy which provides a gentle guidance when creating great changes in our lives. Many ancient cultures, including Greeks and Hindus, believed that this stone held trapped moonbeams which would, in times of need, guide them along their path. In fact, this legend earned Moonstone the nickname "The Traveller’s Stone”. Moreover, this eye-catching crystal has been celebrated as a great attractor of success, illuminating ones positive qualities and providing sparks of inspiration. Overall, Moonstone is truly a wonderful crystal for anyone looking to find their path.

Labradorite, an equally eye-catching stone with its deep blue-green flashes, is commonly referred to as the "Transformation Stone”. The energy of perseverance and powerful grounding qualities of this stone aid its wearer in maintaining a clear and peaceful mind as they traverse the trials of change in their life. Furthermore, Labradorite is associated with the energy of the Crown Chakra, a symbol of higher thinking and spiritual expansion. Thus, the Labradorite stone is said to encourage a person in the pursuit of their highest aspirations and help to break through any sense of limitation. This is undoubtedly the ideal energy to be carrying as you seek out new beginnings this New Year.

Created On  7 Jan 2022 18:00 in BirthstonesNova News  -  Permalink


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